An Interview with Tawcan

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the blogger behind the awesome blog Tawcan!
Bob at Tawcan has been blogging since 2014 and his blog covers my favorite topic, dividend investing! So I invited him to share his investing knowledge and experience with us.
Kanwal: Tell me a little bit about yourself and your blog.
Bob: I'm Bob from Vancouver Canada. I write about my quest for joyful life and financial independence on my blog called Tawcan. My wife and I are both immigrants, and we started our financial independence retire early journey in 2011 after a financial epiphany. Since then, we have amassed a dividend portfolio that generates over $2,000 per month. In 2020, we gave ourselves a very ambitious and challenging goal of receiving over $30,000 in dividend income.
I use my blog as an avenue to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve financial independence as a single income family with two young kids while living in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Some of the topics I write about on my blog are: financial independence retire early, dividend and index investing, money mindset, save-spend balance, and travels.
Kanwal: What is your approach to investing?
Bob: We do a combination of index ETF and individual dividend growth stocks.
Kanwal: Why do you feel your approach is the best?
Bob: I like Index ETF investing because it provides instant diversification. By owning a few index ETFs we can have both asset and geographical diversification. Geographical diversification isn't as easy when it comes to holding individual dividend growth stocks.
I like individual dividend growth stocks for the predictability of dividend income. Furthermore, many of these companies have been paying and raising dividends for decades, so it's the best way to have my money working hard for me, so I don't have to.
Kanwal: What advice do you have for someone just starting to invest?
Bob: Start today if you aren't already investing. Focus on time in the market rather than trying to time the market. Learn to remove emotional reactions to stock market volatility. Remember that in the long run, the stock market returns an annual average of 8%. That's a lot better than hiding your money under your mattress.
In addition, read up on investing books and blogs. It's your money, be accountable and take charge of your money. Your financial advisor does not have the best interest when it comes to your money.
Kanwal: Any stocks that look interesting to you right now and why?
Bob: I quite like Brookfield Renewable Partners (BEP.UN) because renewable energy has a lot of upsides and potentials. Therefore, I think the stock has a lot of price appreciation potential, not to mention that the dividend yield is pretty decent too. I have also gone over a number of dividend-paying stocks that I am monitoring in a recent 2020 stock consideration post.
Kanwal: Thank you Bob for taking the time to share your investing knowledge and wisdom!
Learn more about Bob and his blog by visiting
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