An Interview With Dividends Diversify

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the blogger behind the awesome blog Dividends Diversify!
Tom at Dividends Diversify has been blogging since 2017 and his blog covers my favorite topic, dividend investing! So I invited him to share his investing knowledge and experience with us.
Kanwal: Tell me a little bit about yourself and your blog.
Dividends Diversify: As a youth, I developed an interest in money, investing, and business. I started mowing lows around my neighborhood at age 10. By 15, I did landscaping work, delivered newspapers, and waited tables at a restaurant.
The money earned from working allowed me to invest in my first stock at age 10. I made that investment through the company’s dividend reinvestment plan with a little help from my Dad.
In total, I have over 45 years of do-it-yourself investing experience. This includes publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs and investments in privately-held businesses.
I earned an undergraduate accounting degree and Certification in Public Accounting (CPA) by the age of 21. And spent 25+ years as an accounting professional running the finances for both small and large businesses.
But, in my late 40’s, I declared my financial independence. And I walked away from the full-time grind of Corporate America.
I went on to complete a Master’s degree in accounting with a secondary emphasis on investing and financial planning. Armed with that graduate degree, I pursued a university-level teaching position.
And have since taught a number of graduate business courses for a local university. My favorite course to teach is Financial Statement Analysis. I like this topic because digging into a company’s financial statements is one of the best ways to assess its investment prospects.
My blog, Dividends Diversify, is a popular personal finance, investing and early retirement website founded in 2017.
The content is focused on the following areas:
- Building wealth
- Money management & personal finance
- Investing principles & techniques
- Dividend investing, dividend stocks and dividend-paying ETFs
- Financial independence & early retirement
- Personal growth and development
Since its 2017 launch, Dividends Diversify has grown rapidly. It reaches and proudly serves thousands of households every day.
Kanwal: What is your approach to investing?
Dividends Diversify: I am an income investor. Anything that I invest my money into must be an income-producing asset that pays interest or dividends.
From the most mundane savings products, like certificates of deposit, to higher risk bonds and stocks. I require a predictable and recurring payment stream from anything into which I invest my money.
No interest or dividend payments? Then, whatever it is, I will not invest in it. Furthermore, the foundation of my income investing approach is dividend growth stocks.
I like dividend growth stocks for the triple wealth-building capabilities that they provide. Dividend growth stocks provide current income today plus additional income from rising dividends in the future. And finally, share price appreciation over the long-run.
Kanwal: Why do you feel your approach is the best?
Dividends Diversify: I’m not sure my approach is best. It is just the best for me. I like to get paid in cash so I can live off my dividends and interest without needing to sell any of my investments.
Kanwal: What advice do you have for someone just starting to invest?
Dividends Diversify: My advice to a beginner would be to pick an investing strategy that they understand and are comfortable with. Then stick with it over the long-run investing money on a consistent basis through the ups and downs. By working hard and investing early in life, I believe most anyone can become a self-made millionaire.
Kanwal: Any stocks that look interesting to you right now and why?
Dividends Diversify: With the bull market being more than a decade old, I have been hesitant to commit more money to stocks in recent months.
So, I have been letting my interest and dividends accumulate in cash. Then, reinvesting those funds in cash, bonds, and preferred stocks for the additional income they provide. This is also how I re-balance my portfolio without having to sell anything.
At my stage in life, both personally and financially, I have far more to lose than gain by reaching for extra return. On the other hand, give me a 20% sell-off in the S&P 500 and I will give you a long list of names that look interesting to me.
Some of my most profitable investments were made from 2008-2010 when the markets were reeling from the great recession. And, it is interesting to me that there is a whole generation of new investors that have never experienced a bear market. I will be ready to buy when they are ready to sell!
Kanwal: Thank you Dividends Diversify for taking the time to share your investing knowledge and wisdom!
Click here to read Tom's review of the Simply Investing Report.
Learn more about Tom and his blog by visiting
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