Do You Have What it Takes to be a Stock Investor?

Are you suited to buy stocks? Do you have what it takes to be a stock investor?
Kelly Wright (author of Dividends Still Don't Lie) defines six important attributes that you need to have in order to be a successful investor. I highly recommend the book "Dividends Still Don't Lie" which is based on the original book "Dividends Don't Lie" by Geraldine Weiss. Without further delay here are the six important attributes, taken from "Dividends Still Don't Lie" (Page 16):
Stocks are the best investment for the investor who:
- Desires growth of capital and income
- Ignores the "noise" of the markets
- Recognizes and appreciates good value
- Has the courage to buy at undervalue
- Has the patience to hold until the value is fully recognized
- Has the wisdom to sell at overvalue
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