What is Dividend Investing? Why Should You Do It?

Mike from The Dividend Guy Blog and Dividend Stock Analysis wrote a great blog post over at My Own Adivsor that I'd like to share with my readers. Mike discusses the benefits of investing in dividend stocks, and my favourite the section on "Index Investing vs. Dividend Investing" is a must read. Mike writes:
"I chose dividend investing is because I wanted to count on stocks paying me more each year. When you select dividend growth stocks, you can expect to see your dividend payouts being increased year after year accelerating your wealth. It’s a great way to protect your money against inflation and to generate passive income month after month, quarter after quarter and year after year."
You can read the complete article here.
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I started dividend investing because I wanted some anchor of performance that wasn't so tied to general market volatility. I wanted to track my yearly dividends toward my retirement goal without as much worry over market gyrations. Other approaches may also be successful, but did not provide a satisfactory anchor in market downturns. Ultimately I will need cash flow in retirement. Increasing dividends provide that cash flow and provide a viewpoint on the market that is not as affected as price fluctuations.
All excellent points S.B! I totally agree!!
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