Are you afraid to invest on your own?

Are you afraid to invest on your own? When it comes to investing, fear and lack of knowledge holds most people back. I’ve been asked many times if my approach to investing is so great why doesn’t everyone do it.
Here are my reasons for why people don’t invest on their own in dividend stocks:
1. People don’t know about this approach to investing
The financial industry spends millions each year on marketing and advertising their products. The constant bombardment of getting people to buy financial products confuses most people. But don’t be fooled; do not get your financial education from marketing materials or news articles.
2. People don’t think this method works
Again the financial industry does a good job of showing you why their methods work and the rest don’t. After all they profit from charging fees, and they lose money when you don’t buy their financial products. People have a false impression that they will fail if they start to invest on their own. You don’t need a degree in finance in order to be a successful investor.
3. Most people don’t have the discipline to apply this approach
Dividend value investing is a long-term strategy, and most people don’t have the patience or discipline to wait long enough for their investments to make money. We live in a world of instant gratification; everyone is looking to make lots of money in the shortest amount of time possible.
4. This method is dull and boring
Dividend value investing is a boring a dull approach to investing. You basically buy quality stocks when they are undervalued and hold for the long-term. These quality stocks do not include Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, or Tesla. Hot sexy stocks always make the news, and are great to chat about but they are also risky and not good candidates for making you money in the long-run.
5. They need someone else to blame if things go bad
Dividend investing on your own means that you are 100% responsible for your investing decisions. When stock markets tank it’s easy to blame your financial advisor, but when you invest on your own you have no one else to blame. Follow the 12 Rules of Simply Investing to help you select the best dividend stocks, and to minimize your risk. Stock markets will go up and they will go down, but remaining patient and disciplined will help you achieve financial success. Don’t worry about who to blame.
Which of the 5 reasons do you use to avoid investing on your own? The only way to get over your fear and excuses is to educate yourself on how to invest. Start slowly and start small, gradually your experience and confidence will build allowing you to save on fees and grow your wealth.
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