Want to Earn More?

Your salary is the average of the 10 people you surround yourself with. Are you happy with your current income? Do you wish you could earn more money?
Investing in quality dividend stocks can provide you with additional income, without working extra-long hours or taking on a second job (If you are looking for a second job or new job, have a look at Jooble, its a great job search engine). By owning certain stocks, you get paid dividends (money). Dividends are profits the company is sharing with you the stock holder. You can re-invest the dividends or spend them as you wish.
Rick S. took my Simply Investing Course in 2001, and since then has earned $11,302.20 in dividends from just the following three stocks: Proctor & Gamble (PG), Coca-Cola (KO), and TransCanada (TRP).
Even though Rick has a much larger portfolio of stocks today, he will earn $1145.70 in dividends this year just from owning PG, KO, and TRP. After 5 years (with dividend increases) he will have earned over $6,000 in dividends. Could you use extra $6,000 in dividends? It pays to invest today, and then enjoy the extra income.
Buy quality dividend paying stocks when they are undervalued, then hold for the rising dividends in the years to come.
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