What's The Best New Year Resolution?

The best new year resolutions are the ones you keep. Commit to yourself to build your best stock portfolio this year; your future self will thank you for the growing income you’ll receive.
The 12 Rules of Simply Investing are there to help you build your best portfolio. The stock market had a great year and our “The Five” US & Canadian selections from our first issue of the SI Report have grown by 29% in 11 months. As the Dow approaches 20,000 it’s important to avoid getting greedy. I know it’s tempting to sell stocks and make a quick profit but, our goal here is to build a passive stream of growing income for the long-term. The growth comes from holding stocks that offer rising dividends.
$4989.60 invested in Lowe’s (LOW) 8 years ago would be worth $24195.15 (including dividends) today, representing an increase of 385%. The dividend yield based on the original purchase price would be 8.8% today.
A single Coca-Cola share purchased in 1919 for $40 would be worth more than 9,000 shares and $373,140. If dividends were reinvested annually, the share would be worth over $9.8-million today.
Success in investing takes time, so start today, and reap the rewards for the rest of your life.
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