Wish You Had More Money?

Do you ever wish you had more money? Could you use more money? More money for:
- Vacations
- Education
- Better health
- A home
- A car
- Helping others
At the end of the day more money will buy you time, more free time to do the things you love.
Unfortunately if you’re relying on your single income to provide you with more money, you’ve noticed that it’s just not enough. Your day job provides you with barely enough money to cover your expenses with very little to no money left over.
You need to create another source of income for yourself, and the quickest way to do that is to invest in safe stocks providing you with a growing stream of income.
When you buy a stock you become part owner of the company, as an owner you are entitled to share in the profits of the company. Shares of the company’s profits are given to you as dividends. For example Pepsi is currently paying an annual dividend of $3.01 per share. If you own 1000 shares in Pepsi you will receive $3010 each year for as long as you own those shares and as long Pepsi continues to pay $3.01 per share.
Pepsi has consecutively increased its dividend for 44 years, so next year could expect to receive more money. Pepsi shares are currently priced at $103 each, so I know it would be very expensive to buy 1000 shares, but you could start with 10, 20, or even 100 shares. Start small, and then use those dividends to buy more shares. It does take time to build a substantial stream of income using dividends, but your future self will thank you for the investing decisions you make today.
You can read more about Rick here, but his total return (including dividends) just from his 3 holdings is over 122%. Since taking the Simply Investing course Rick has received $9109 in dividends from just these 3 stocks (PG, KO, TRP). Another one of my students is currently earning over $15,000 a year in dividends.
Start building your second stream of income today, the extra money will give you the freedom to do the things you love.
Note: I only used Pepsi, PG, KO, TRP as real-life examples in this article. You should not go out and buy these stocks until you’ve applied the 12 Rules of Simply Investing.
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