Do You Think Investing is Easy?

I’ve always said that investing is simple. But you don’t have to take my word for it, here’s a short excerpt from a book called “F Wall Street” by Joe Ponzio (page 16):
“Investing is not rocket science. You don't earn more if you have the higher IQ, nor do you need to be a math genius to make money. You can spend many hours a week or just a few hours a year investing and still earn satisfactory returns. Fifty years ago, investing was much more difficult. Before the advent of the web you had to go to the library to research a company and your stock quotes came once a day in the newspaper, hours after the markets closed.
Today, we have the all the tools and information we need available to us literally with the click of a mouse. …you don’t need to spend hundreds of hours each year watching the markets and researching investments. The beautiful thing about investing intelligently is that, with little effort you can get much more out of your investments than you may have otherwise imagined. You can invest comfortably and confidently.”
This is exactly why I created the 12 Rules of Simply Investing. The 12 rules are designed to keep you out of trouble, save you time, help you earn more, and to avoid making the kind of mistakes I made before I created my simple 12 step plan. I cover the 12 rules in my Simply Investing Course; the course will help you get started right away.
Follow the 12 Rules, and you will succeed. To get an idea of the 12 Rules of Simply Investing, watch my online video (recorded webinar) where I describe 4 of the rules.
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