Can You Learn Investing From a 106 Year Old?


Irving Kahn is an American value investor and money manager and the oldest living active investment professional at 106. He was an early disciple of Benjamin Graham, the creator of the value investing methodology. In his own words, here is some investing wisdom:

"You stick to value, to Benjamin Graham, the man who wrote the bible for the market. It’s a mistake to believe you can do more, I warn you. John Maynard Keynes was one of the most famous economists in history. He was a genius, but he failed as a macro investor. It was hard to believe at the time. But when he became a bottom-up value guy, well, he became very successful. With value investing, you don’t have to bend the truth to accommodate periods with derivatives and manias. Value investing will almost always be right."

"Nobody can predict the market. Take that premise to heart and look to invest in dollar bills selling for 50¢. If you’re going to do your own research and investing, think value. Think downside risk. Think total return, with dividends tiding you over. We’re in a period of extraordinarily low rates—be careful with fixed income. Stay away from options. Look for securities to hold for three to five years with downside protection."

You can read the complete article here. Learn more about Irving Kahn here.

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Image: Irving Kahn (Youtube)

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1 comment

W at Off-Road Finance

It would be interesting to know his track record.

I think the value investing approach is very sound overall, but this low rate environment is not friendly to it, as he points out.

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