Top 3 Tips for Successful Investing

The beginning of the new year is a great time to plan for the future. Plan on how you will be able to earn more passive income this year than last year. Here are 3 tips to help you earn more:
1. Remain Focused Ignore all the media noise about debt, high unemployment, and downturns. Do not jump from one strategy to the next. Stay focused on investing in quality dividend paying companies when they are undervalued (priced low).
2. Patience Investing requires patience, in the short term stock prices go up and down, in the long-term history has shown that value stocks perform very well. This is what I teach in the Simply Investing course: any money you require in less than 5 years (to buy a house, car, or go on a trip) should not be invested in stocks. Investing in stocks requires a long-term outlook.
3. Buy Low Remember the saying "buy low, sell high"? Buy quality stocks when they are priced low (undervalued), this way you can maximize your profit. There is no point in buying any investment (mutual fund, stock, index fund, real estate) when it is priced high, you will never make any money on it or it will take decades to realize a small profit. How do you know when a stock is undervalued? Watch my video where I explain how to determine when a stock is priced low.
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I think patience is so important. In fact to me it is fundamental to various aspects of our lives. Investing like everything else is a long term project that takes time to build. We shouldn't be looking for the quick fix when it comes to investing our money.
Thanks for visiting Miss T!
You are absolutely right, patience is key, in fact I should have put it first on my list. :)
Tell me 'bout it! I have a hard time staying focused on anything. I'm becoming much more diligent in my finances though. This was a good review!
Thanks for the kind words American Debt Project! It is a challenge to remain focused and have the patience to let your investment s grow over time.
Patience is absolutely critical, in my opinion, the most important factor of an investor above all.
Thanks for dropping by MOA!
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