Is Earning More in 2012 Your New Year Resolution?

A recent study* showed that “earning more” is at the top of most people’s mind when it comes to making new year resolutions. Earning more than last year is a good goal to have, but how do you achieve it? Education is the key, the right knowledge will help you make wise investment decisions which will lead to more money. But first, why is this goal important to most people? What do all these things have in common?
- donating to charity
- spending more time with family and friends
- going on vacation
- reading
- renovating your place
- having a BBQ
- listening to music
- going on a date
- hosting a party
- going to a party
- going out for drinks
- sailing
- golfing
- playing hockey
- playing soccer
- going to the movies
- joining a gym
- doing yoga
- skiing
- taking a road trip
- camping
- taking piano lessons
- going to a hockey game
- eating out
- going to the movies
- going to a concert
- taking time off from work
- building a deck
What do all these things have in common? All these things require money. No wonder “earning more” is on top of most people’s mind. Education is the key to earning more, I’m taking about earning more passive income.
In addition I recommend the following books to help you learn how to invest successfully:
Dividend Don’t Lie
Dividend Still Don’t Lie
The New Buffettology
The Investment Zoo
Lastly, my Simply Investing Course is the quickest way to learn everything you need to start building a stream of passive income (composed of dividends). I’ve already spent years reading books, interviewing other investors, and through trial and error to learn how to invest responsibly.
You can simply take advantage of my experience and get a jump start on your own investing education. Make 2012 the year of earning more!
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*This study was conducted by me, by asking family and friends what their New Year resolutions were for this year. Sorry if this was not the huge well-funded researched study you were looking for. :)
Some of the items I can do without spending money but your point is well stated. Welcome to Yakezie.
Thanks for dropping by Jai, I'm very exciting about the Yakezie challenge! It's just the motivation I need to take my blog to the next level.
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