Welcome to the Simply Investing blog!

Why you should read this blog...
To learn how to make money. Save time, and reduce your risk. Investing does not have to be difficult or time consuming. In this blog I will share my experiences, and tips on becoming a successful investor.
Why I created this blog...
To change the world, one person at a time. When you have financial independence a lot of problems including stress go away. Financial independence give you time to enjoy the things in life that really matter, time with family and friends, and the resources to pursue self-development and leisure activities. I also want to empower people like yourself to take charge of their investments, after all no one cares more about your money than you do. Hopefully this blog will demonstrate to you that investing really can be that simple.
What makes this blog different...
I've been an investor since 1988 and a value investor since 1999. My track record is available on this website. Why re-invent the wheel? Learn from my mistakes and successes. I'll share with you my knowledge and experience as a value investor focused on dividends, decreasing risk, and long-term gains. I hope you enjoy your visit. Come back often for new and informative content. Wishing you financial success!
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